About GRA
The Georgia Redistricting Alliance (GRA) is a diverse coalition of civil rights, voting rights and community organizations that fight for the fair representation and voting power of BIPOC communities. We work to ensure that the redistricting process in Georgia is transparent, accountable and conducted in multiple languages.
GRA was formed in response to redistricting and gerrymandering efforts that attempt to dilute the voting power of People of Color. We believe that district lines should be drawn in accordance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 so no political party or racial group benefits over another. We also believe that local elected officials and community members have untapped power and potential to influence their district maps and the redistricting process.
The time is now to pass local redistricting resolutions and create fair redistricting in Georgia .
GRA is a coalition of organziations who believe that queer/trans BIPOC community should be at the forefront of the fight to protect our voting power and are preparing OUR communities to lead redistricting in 2021 and 2022.